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English Day

Becoming the Best Version of Yourself, Santo Arnoldus Janssen High School held a public speaking activity


Becoming the Best Version of Yourself, Santo Arnoldus Janssen High School held a public speaking activity

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wartaSAJ.com | Saturday, 18 May 2024 – SMA Santo Arnoldus Janssen Kupang held a public speaking activity, in order to train tenth-grade students. to speak in public. This activity was held in the school hall and was attended by tenth-grade students.

The Public Speaking activity was led by P. Oceph Riang, SVD, accompanied by four college students: Sintia Bili, Ave Lamury, Ocep Weruin, and Charly Riberu, from Widya Mandira Catholic University (UNWIRA) Kupang. The tenth-grade students gathered in the school hall to participate in this activity together, practicing their public speaking skills.

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Before the public speaking activity began, the principal of SMA Santo Arnoldus Janssen Kupang, P. Apolynarius Wawo Koa, SVD, S.Pd, delivered a warm welcome to the guests attending our school today. He also mentioned that on average, the tenth-grade students lack confidence in speaking in front of the class as well as in public. He expressed his hope that this public speaking activity could serve as a training ground for the students to develop their speaking skills.

During the public speaking activity, Father Oceph Riang, SVD, stated that the key when speaking in public is the ability to control your breath, maintain good posture, have self-confidence, be able to entertain, and establish a connection with the audience. He emphasized the importance of interacting with the audience, such as making eye contact, smiling, and speaking with a warm and friendly tone to create a stronger connection between the speaker and the listeners.

The tenth-grade students are taught to speak in public about any topic they desire. To ensure that this activity runs smoothly, orderly, and well-practiced, P. Oceph Riang, SVD, divided them into four groups, representing four different classes, with one student companion for each group.

In group XA, accompanied by mentor Ocep Weruin, Ocep Weruin emphasized the importance of having opposing viewpoints. This approach can broaden and guide our thinking patterns more effectively. Ocep Weruin also coached the students of class XA to share their experiences. When speaking in public, it is recommended to use formal and precise language.

In group XB, alongside guide Sintia Bili, Sintia Bili taught that during public speaking or presentations, if the word “jadi” (so) is used, it should be placed at the end of the sentence or presentation, not at the beginning.

In group XC, under the guidance of mentor Charly Riberu, Charly Riberu stressed the significance of thoroughly mastering the material to be presented during public speaking. Relying solely on memorization will make it more challenging, so it is advisable to fully comprehend the content.

In group XD, with mentor Ave Lamury, Ave Lamury instructed that when stepping forward, our body posture should not be rigid. We should remain relaxed and maintain an upright and confident posture.

In conclusion, P. Oceph Riang, SVD, representing his group, also expressed gratitude to the principal of SMA Santo Arnoldus Janssen, all tenth-grade students, mentors, and other relevant parties who supported the success of the event. “Life is only once, so don’t waste your time so you won’t regret it in the future,” he conveyed. (*)

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